Updated 2025
Choosing a reliable travel agent for Armenia is like running in the dark: hit or miss. One customer can be completely satisfied with the service, and the next will be plotting revenge. This is especially true of travel agents specializing in Armenian travel located in North America.
While any reputable travel agent in the world can book flights to Armenia (all flights except special charters are listed on all SITA/GABRIEL flight reservation systems), and while the flight numbers we give in our schedules and the ICAO and IATA designations are all any qualified travel agent needs to find them, you will find that travel agents specializing in Armenia can make arrangements faster and easier, and sometimes cheaper.
Visas: You do not need a visa to buy a ticket, and you can get your visa online or at the airport on arrival. (see Visas).
Note on Web sites: It is wonderful that so many agencies have web sites, though it's a mixed bag: the biggest agents seem to have the sites with design or security problems, and many will crash in Netscape or Opera browsers, having been designed for Internet Explorer 5.0+ only.
Online Security: you should never provide personal details or credit card info. in any email, and think twice about doing it in a form, even if you see a secure server symbol. We have found sites that does not protect private data robustly, one so egregious that a user's credit card information could be seen just be clicking public links. Refrain from providng ANY personal or financial data you are not prepared to be available to the world at large unless you are absolutely sure the connection is secure.
Information is hard to track on web sites--prices are not reliable, especially for the current economy and winter schedule. Use it to judge how serious the owner is about themselves, then contact the one you want directly.
Agent Watch
These are messages or new board comments about travel Agents serving Armenia. The comments are those of the originating author and do not necessarily reflect those of TACentral.com or its staff.
Travel News: Silva Travel:
