Getting In & Out | Bus | Giumri
International Buses To/From Giumri
Updated 2025
Tbilisi, Batumi: The bus to Tbilisi leaves daily at 10:30, and costs 3500 AMD. There is no scheduled bus to Batumi, but cars outside the bus station can be hired for about $200.
There are also occasional buses to Akhaladzidzde, Batumi and Istanbul, check at the bus station for details.
Giumri Central Bus Station The Central Avtokayan (af-to-kai-YAN; Bus Station) is 400 meters from the Shuka at the end of Shahumian Street where it meets Victory St. (B: # 1, 2, 10, 40, 125, 126 taxi: 200-400 AMD). The station is a small metal building that lies on the site of the old building, which was destroyed during the 1988 earthquake. It is surrounded by buses, taxis, cars for hire and a large variety of kiosks and building supply shops. It is always full of activity as passengers and dust move about, reminding me of the bus depots in Cairo.
Tickets (îàØê: Toms): The Tomsarkegh (îàØê²ðÎÔ: Toms-ar-KEGH;Ticket office) (also Russian ÊÀÑÑÀ :"KAH-sah") is located inside the building. Open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. If it is closed, the drivers can get you a ticket. There is an unwritten law that the ticket office sells 70% of available seats, and the drivers the other 30%. IN addition, drivers have installed extra seats on the buses. So if the ticket office tells you they are sold out, go outside back of the building, look for the bus you want, and ask for a seat.
Food: Other than the kiosks outside, there is a small café in the building, which serves hot and cold sandwiches, and can grill eggs. Coffee is 100 AMD, sandwiches 150 AMD. A boiled egg is 100 AMD.