Getting In | Train | Giumri
Trains To/From Giumri
Updated 2025
Trains To/From Giumri
In addition to the Tbilisi train, there are daily trains between Giumri and Yerevan and Pemsashen (open seating only). Arrive at least 60 minutes before departure time. All tickets are bought on board the train. The train to and from Giumri is on the same rail line as that to Yerevan.
From Tbilisi: The gnatsk train leaves Tbilisi for Giumri at 06:00. It arrives in Giumri at 17:30. Rail cost is 651 AMD obshi class and 3025 AMD SV class.
To Tbilisi: The gnatsk train leaves Giumri for Tbilisi at 22:00. It arrives in Tbilisi at 04:00. The rail ticket from Giumri to Airum-Bagratashen costs 400 AMD for obshi class, and 550 AMD for coupé class (gnatsk train only).
To/From Yerevan: Either take the Tbilisi-Yerevan train, or take a second gnatsk train to Yerevan which leaves Giumri at 20:33, and costs 831 AMD. From Yerevan, the train leaves at 08:00, and costs the same.
To/From Vanadzor: Take the Yerevan-Tbilisi train, which leaves Vanadzor at 03:30, or Giumri at 22:00. The train takes about 5 hours either way.
To/From Pemsashen: When the border opens with Turkey, this elektrichka train will convert to a gnatsk and continue on to Erzerum and Istanbul. Now it serves a small community outside of Giumri. There is word that passing the border is possible ($10 visa charge). The train leaves Giumri at 07:00 and 17:10, and leaves Pemsashen at 10:00 and 20:00 each day. Cost is 250 AMD.
Train Schedule: Giumri Central Station
To Giumri |
From Giumri |
# |
Departs |
Arrives |
# |
Departs |
Arrives |
Elektrichka: |
6542 |
10:00 |
11:00 |
Pemsashen |
6541 |
07:00 |
08:00 |
6544 |
20:00 |
21:00 |
Pemsashen |
6543 |
17:10 |
18:10 |
Gnatsk: |
676 |
06:00 |
17:30 |
Tbilisi |
675 |
22:00 |
04:00 |
684 |
08:00 |
11:30 |
Yerevan |
683 |
20:33 |
00:13 |
Basic Travel Times
Every effort is made so that the train will leave on time, but it might be delayed, especially in the Winter. Travel times can take longer than indicated (i.e. in the winter), and fluctuate. Be careful, be early, but don't set dinner plans by this.
Be at the station at least 30 minutes before the scheduled time for departure.
Giumri to Vanadzor: 5 hours Giumri to Airum: 7 ½ hours Giumri to Yerevan: 3 ½ hours
Giumri Train Station
The Giumri yerkatgitzi kaiyeran (Train Station) is located on a roundabout at the crossroads of Kino Yerevan and International Streets (Sevian District). All public transport (B: 4, 5, 9 TB: 1, 2 Taxi: 400 AMD) leads to this once bustling, but now quiet building. The terminal is impressive and clean. It rivals Yerevan's terminal for its remarkably tasteful design, and easy access to services. Giumri was the main terminal for all train traffic into Armenia, and it takes imagination to conjure the activity when more than 22 trains a day (8 from Moscow alone) used the terminal. The terminal is open 24 hours, and there is new seating in the waiting area, that didn't look too uncomfortable.
The Tomsarkegh (îàØê²ðÎÔ: Booking office) is located inside the main entrance, to the left. They are marked in Armenian and Russian. No need to go, as all tickets are sold on board the train.
Food: There is a buffet (Russian ÁÓÔÅÒ) inside the station, on your far right. The buffet is open from 08:00-19:00. Coffee is 50 AMD. They had pirogue's for sale at 100 AMD. A larger restaurant is upstairs, but it was closed when we were there.
Hotel: The Yerkatgitzi Kairan Huiranotz (Train Station Hotel) is located on the second floor of the train station. Enter it from inside the building. They charge 500 AMD ($1.22) per bed per night. Rooms have 2, 3 or 4 beds per room. If you want privacy, rent all in one room. Open 24 hours a day. You need to knock loudly on the door to get them to answer, but the rooms were decent and clean. Electricity, no hot water.
No left luggage. There are some lockers on the basement floor where the left luggage used to be, but they do not have any zheton's to use them. Leave at tremendous risk.
Other: The restrooms are located on the basement floor, and cost 40 AMD per use. They only issue a couple of squares of toilet paper, so better have a supply handy. There is no medical point.
